To create the present tense, you need to use the imperfective form of a verb and conjugate it.

dělám MY děláme
TY děláš VY děláte
dělá ONI dělají


Unlike English, the Czech language has only one present tense. One verb may indicate an activity which is being performed right now and also regularly.

Každý den pracuju v kanceláři.

the activity is regular

Právě teď pracuju na počítači.

the activity is in progress

The present tense is commonly used for the future (usually for fixed arrangements or near events).

Zítra letím na dovolenou.

Dnes večer večeříme na zahradě.

Common Keywords

To avoid ambiguity, you can use extra words such as:

  • každý den, pravidelně, nikdy, občas (every day, regularly, never, sometimes)
  • právě teď, dnes, zrovna, nyní (just now, today, right now, at the moment)
  • zítra, dnes večer, příští týden (tomorrow, tonight, next week)

Verbs of Motion

The only exception from the above rules are Verbs of Motion which have two different forms to indicate whether the activity is being performed now or regularly.